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Sede Operativa
Via di Gramignano, 70
50014 Campi Bisenzio (FI)
Area Comunicazione
Vicolo di Santa Maria Maggiore, 1
50123 Firenze (FI)
Produzione Video
Viuzzo delle Case Nuove, 11
50143 Firenze (FI)
SICREA Eventi Allestimenti Comunicazione
Sede Operativa
Via di Gramignano, 70
50014 Campi Bisenzio (FI)
Area Comunicazione
Vicolo di Santa Maria Maggiore, 1
50123 Firenze (FI)
Produzione Video
Viuzzo delle Case Nuove, 11
50143 Firenze (FI)
BEI | Banca Europea per gli Investimenti

98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer


Tel. +39 +352 43791

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BEI | Banca Europea per gli Investimenti

As the EU bank, we provide finance and expertise for sustainable investment projects that make a strong impact on people’s lives, contributing to EU policy objectives in Europe and beyond.

Besides supporting projects in the Member States, its main lending priorities include financing investments in future Member States of the EU and EU Partner countries. The EIB operates on a non-profit maximising basis and lends at close to the cost of borrowing. The Bank's consistent AAA rating is underpinned by firm shareholder support, a strong capital base, exceptional asset quality, conservative risk management and a sound funding strategy.

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